MISSIONImprove the quality of life for people with mental illness and their families through volunteer-driven support, education, and advocacy efforts.
GOALSAdvocate at the county, state and national levels for non-discriminatory access to quality healthcare, housing, education and employment for people with mental illness. Educate the public about mental illness, work to eliminate the stigma of mental illness, and advocate for increased funding for research into the causes and treatment of mental illness.
VISIONTo create a future where mental illness will no longer thwart a person’s fulfillment of his or her potential. With early pinpoint diagnoses, interventions, and targeted medications and services, there is no pervasive disability. Ultimately, NAMI Lake County IN envisions a day when prevention or a cure is found.
INVOLVEMENT OPPORTUNITIESMake a difference in the lives of Americans living with mental health conditions. Learn about the many ways to support NAMI, including tax-deductible donations, becoming a member and inspiring events such as NAMIWalks.
SUPPORT GROUPSNAMI's support groups follow a structured model to ensure you and others in the group have an opportunity to be heard and to be helped. All NAMI Lake County IN support groups are free and confidential and require no registration.
MENTAL HEALTH EDUCATIONNAMI Lake County IN has a variety of educational resources for individuals living with mental illness and for their family members or supporters, including three NAMI-based classes and one program.
LOCATION2631 Highway Avenue
Highland, IN 46322 |