ALL FURNITURE MUST BE APPROVED BEFORE YOUR APPOINTMENT CAN BE SCHEDULED Submit photos of furniture you are interested in consigning via email to [email protected] or online via the appropriate Schedule Appointments form. We will correspond with you on the next steps.
THERE IS A LIMIT OF 5 BAGS OR BOXES OF HOME GOODS PER APPOINTMENT Large loose items like lamps, rugs, mirrors and artwork should be counted as part of this number.
ITEMS MUST BE CLEAN, IN WORKING CONDITION, FLOOR READY, AND INCLUDE ALL PARTS If lightbulbs, cords, or batteries are required, they must be included. WE DO NOT ASSEMBLE ITEMS.
THERE ARE PIECES THAT WE ARE CURRENTLY NOT ACCEPTING FOR CONSIGNMENT Refer to the attached page and/or the website for the current list.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION IN YOUR CONTRACT AND ON YOUR INTAKE SHEETS This includes commission breakdown timelines by category and your specific finalize dates.
KEEP TRACK OF WHEN YOUR ITEMS FINALIZE with Michael’s Resale + Consignment. Dates will always be given to you in writing.
REACH OUT TO US at any time if you want updates on your consigned pieces. We do not contact you regarding your sold or unsold items.
BRING PACKING MATERIALS AND BOXES if you are retrieving unsold items at the end of the consignment period. When you arrive in store, ask us for a printed inventory list of what is expiring.
GET PAID by picking up earned commission checks in the store on or after the 15th of every calendar month.